Differential Diagnosis (2025)

Differential Diagnosis

Axis I Disorders

Depressive isorders

Although persons with NarcissisticPersonality Disorder (NPD) will report feelings of “emptiness,” their experienceof this hollowness does not include a need for the companionship of others.In contrast to the person with depression, the person with NPD will describefeelings of boredom and a restlessness associated with that boredom).“Narcissistic patients often do not have available the sense of longingfor or of awareness of the possibility of a significant relation with othersand of missing such a relation.”1

Manic or HypomanicEpisodes

Although grandiosity may beseen in Manic or Hypomanic Episodes, the association with mood change orfunctional impairment helps distinguish these episodes from NarcissisticPersonality Disorder.

“Patients in Hypomanic andacute manic phase can appear quite similar to narcissistic patients andactually expose most of the core characteristics for NPD . . . .However, the active search for admiring attention and profound envy ofothers in narcissistic patients are not found in manics.”2

Chronic SubstanceUse

It is important to distinguishthe symptoms of NPD from those that may develop in association with chronicsubstance use.

Brief Psychotic Episodes

There may be a predispositionin persons diagnosed with NPD.3

The DSM-IV-R4observes that other personality disorders share features associated withNarcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and that, therefore, diagnosiscan be difficult. For this reason careful attention must be paidto distinguishing among these disorders according to the differences intheir characteristic features.

Differential Diagnosis (1)NOTE:If someone presents with features meeting the criteria for one or moreadditional personality disorder as well as for Narcissistic PersonalityDisorder, then all disorders can be diagnosed.

Grandiosity is the most usefulfeature for distinguishing Narcissistic Personality Disorder from the otherCluster B Personality Disorders (Histrionic, Antisocial, and Borderline),“whose interactive styles are respectively coquettish, callous, and needy.”5Moreover, while persons with Borderline (BPD), Histrionic (HPD), and Narcissisticpersonality disorders may require much attention, in contrast to BPD andHPD, for those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder this attention mustbe admiring.

Additional distinctions canbe drawn between Narcissistic Personality Disorder and other PersonalityDisorders:

Features DistinguishingNPD
from Borderline PersonalityDisorder

NPD’s relative stability ofself-image, lack of self-destructiveness, impulsivity, and abandonmentconcerns.

O. Kernberg differentiatesbetween the person with NPD and those with borderline personality disorder(BPD) on the basis of, “their relatively good social functioning, theirbetter impulse control, and what may be described as a ‘pseudosublimatory’potential, namely, the capacity for active, consistent work in some areaswhich permits them partially to fulfill their ambitions of greatness andof obtaining admiration from others. Highly intelligent patientswith this personality structure may appear as quite creative in their fields:narcissistic personalities can often be found as leaders in industrialorganizations or academic institutions; they may also be outstanding performersin some artistic domain. Careful observation, however, of their productivityover a long period of time will give evidence of superficiality and flightinessin their work, of a lack of depth which eventually reveals the emptinessbehind the glitter. Quite frequently these are the ‘promising’ geniuseswho then surprise other people by the banality of their development.They also are able to exert self-control in anxiety-producing situations,which may at first appear as good anxiety tolerance; however, analyticexploration shows that their anxiety tolerance is obtained at the costof increasing their narcissistic fantasies and of withdrawing into ‘splendidisolation.’ This tolerance of anxiety does not reflect an authentic capacityfor coming to terms with a disturbing reality.

“In short, the surface functioningof the narcissistic personality is much better than that of the averageborderline patient: therefore, their capacity for regression—evento the level of psychotic functioning when undergoing psychoanalysis—maycome as a real surprise to the analyst.”6

Except for instances of severeforms of NPD, these individuals are more capable of high, sustained achievementand will have a more successful work history than the person with BorderlinePersonality Disorder.

Both persons with NPDs andBPDs place great importance on attention; however, unlike borderlines,who “seek nurturing attention because they need it, narcissists feel theydeserve admiring attention because of their superiority.”7

Persons with either NarcissisticPersonality Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder have weak interpersonalrelationships, are unable to love others, have difficulty empathizing,are egocentric in their perceptions of reality, and have a great need forattention. Unlike the borderline personality, however, because thepersonality of someone with NPD is more well-integrated, people with NPDare less likely to have episodes of psychotic states, especially when understress.

A key distinguishing featureof BPD is neediness; in contrast, for NPD an important discriminator isgrandiosity. Likewise, persons with NPD are less self-destructive,have better impulse control, a higher tolerance for anxiety, and are lesspreoccupied with dependency and abandonment issues than are BPDs.8

Finally, the self-mutilationand persistent overt rage that are often characteristic of the borderlinepersonality are absent in NPD.

Features DistinguishingNPD from
Histrionic PersonalityDisorder

While the characteristic distinguishingfeature of Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) is coquettishness, thatof NPD is grandiosity.

Both personality types tendtowards the demonstrative, exhibitionistic, dramatic and seductive in theirbehavior. What distinguishes these qualities in the person with NPDare the person's haughty, cold, and exploitative attitudes. In contrast,the person with HPD is warm and playful and can be dependent on others;moreover, these individuals are capable of love, empathy and concern whereasthose with NPD are not. Finally, the behavior of the person withNPD has the qualities of being controlled, calculated and relentless inits objectives, while that of the person with HPD is more spontaneous andwithout ulterior motives.9

The person with NPD has notdeveloped “the seductive strategies of the histrionic person to solicitrewards and protections.”10

Features DistinguishingNPD from
Antisocial PersonalityDisorder

The narcissist's key characteristicis grandiosity, whereas that of the antisocial is callousness.

While persons with NarcissisticPersonality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) share tendenciesto be tough-minded, glib, superficial, exploitative, and unempathic, NPDdoes not necessarily include characteristics of impulsivity, aggression,and deceit. In contrast to the person with NPD, the person with ASPDmay not have as great a need for the admiration and envy of others.And, unlike the person with ASPD, someone with Narcissistic PersonalityDisorder usually does not have a history of childhood Conduct Disordernor of criminal behavior as adults.

“All antisocials are assumedto have a narcissistic personality structure, but not all narcissists areantisocial. The most important differential features are the moresevere superego pathology [in the ASPD]—that is, lack of concern and understandingof moral functions, and the impaired capacity to be involved in mutual,nonexploitive relationships found in ASPD. Interpersonal and affectivemanifestations (anxiety and depression) are more pronounced in NPD, while[ASPDs] show more acting out, particularly with drug and alcohol abuse.Narcissists are usually more grandiose, while ASPD patients are exploitive,have a superficial value system, and are involved in recurrent antisocialactivities . . . . Exploitiveness in antisocial patients is probablymore likely to be consciously and actively related to materialistic orsexual gain, while exploitive behavior in narcissistic patients is morepassive, serving to enhance self-image by attaining praise or power.11

Unlike a person with ASPD,the person with NPD has “not learned to be ruthless or competitively assertiveand aggressive when frustrated.”12

A critical distinguishing featureis that in Antisocial Personality Disorder, there are no feelings of guiltor remorse: “. . . even after being confronted with the consequencesof their antisocial behavior and in spite of their profuse protestationsof regret, persons with antisocial personality disorder have no changein behavior toward those they have attacked or exploited or any spontaneousconcern over this failure to change their behavior.”13

Features DistinguishingNPD from
Obsessive-CompulsivePersonality Disorder

Individuals with both NPD andOCPD may be perfectionists, believe that others cannot do things as wellas they can, have a strong need to control and be emotionally cold.Rather than being self-critical like the person with Obsessive-CompulsivePersonality Disorder, however, someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorderis more likely to believe that he or she has actually achieved perfection.Moreover, the perfection of persons with OCPD does not take the form ofdevaluing or being contemptuous of others, demanding admiration, or behavingin a haughty manner.14As Akhtar and Thomson observed, “The obsessional seeks perfection; thenarcissist claims it.”15

The value systems of thesetwo personality types differ as well: the person with OCPD has deeplyheld, rigid but genuine moral and sociopolitical beliefs. In contrast,the person with NPD might espouse such deeply held values but actuallylacks any true commitment to them.16

Features DistinguishingNPD from
Paranoid or SchizotypalPersonality Disorder

Persons with Narcissistic,Paranoid, or Schizotypal personality disorders can exhibit social withdrawaland suspiciousness. However, if these features present in those withNarcissistic Personality Disorder, the behaviors result from the person’sfear of having his or her imperfections or failures found out by others.

Although people with thesedisorders all display grandiosity, “. . . the paranoid person’s grandiosityis usually connected to self-righteousness and self-justifying argumentation,and his or her anger is unrelated to exploitiveness or envy . . . .Narcissistic and paranoid individuals can also share devaluation, sensitivityto criticism, and lack of empathy . . . . However, narcissists aremore exploitive, envious, attention seeking, arrogant, and not pervasivelymistrustful or in search of hidden motives. NPD patients sometimesshow brief paranoid ideations, usually related to the belief that otherpeople envy them and want to hurt them, or spoil their achievements . .. . People functioning on a lower level with malignant narcissism[NPD] or borderline features can nevertheless manifest sustained paranoidfeatures.”17

Features DistinguishingNPD from Schizoid
Personality Disorder

“Emotional aloofness and lackof mutual interpersonal relations or genuine deep interest in other peopleare common characteristics in both schizoid and narcissistic personalitydisorders. While narcissists are ambitious and high achieving, moreactively in pursuit of advantageous or admiring relations, and more exploitive,the schizoid individual is passive, withdrawn, and resigned . . . .However, contrary to narcissists, schizoid individuals actually show acapacity to empathize with other people and to observe, describe, and evaluateothers with depth and differentiation . . . . In addition, a senseof superiority . . . , inclinations toward a cognitive, intellectual style(as contrary to an emotional, bodily anchored style); and the presenceof compensatory internal life and grandiose fantasies can be found in bothpersonality disorders. While narcissists can appear flamboyant andcharming, schizoid persons are indifferent, and colorless.”18

Features DistinguishingNPD from
Paranoid Psychosisor Schizophrenia
with Grandiose Delusions

“Although grandiosity occursin both NPD and psychotic disorders, the presence of psychotic illnessand loss of reality testing contraindicate a diagnosis of NPD . . . .”19Unlike persons with NPD, these individuals retain a capacity to feel empathyfor others and to feel lonely, that is miss the companionship of others.Loneliness, for the person with NPD, is an emptiness “characterized bythe addition of strong feelings of boredom and restlessness. Theydo not have available certain aspects of the capacity for human relationshipswhich are preserved—in their own way—by schizoid, and (even more so) bydepressive patients. Patients with depressive personality, and evenschizoid patients, are able to empathize deeply with human feelings andexperiences involving other people, and may feel painfully excluded fromand yet able to empathize with love and emotion involving others.”20

Click on the note number to return to whereyou were above; click on the author's name to go to the bibliographic entry.

1O.Kernberg, 1984, p. 219
2Ronningstam,1999, p. 682
3APA,1987, p. 330
4APA,2000, p. 716
6O.Kernberg, 1984, pp. 229-230
7Ronningstam,1999, p. 681
8Ronningstam,1999; Akhtar and Thomson,1982
10Millon,1998, p. 87
11Ronningstam,1999, p.81
12Millon,1998, p. 86
13O.Kernberg, 1998, p. 43
15, p. 18
17Ronningstam,1999, p. 682
18Ronningstam,1999, p. 682
19Ronningstam,1999, p. 682
20O.Kernberg, 1984, pp. 217-218

Differential Diagnosis (2025)


How do you remember differential diagnosis? ›

The VINDICATE Mnemonic for Differential Diagnosis
  1. V – Vascular.
  2. I – Infectious.
  3. N – Neoplastic.
  4. D – Degenerative.
  5. I – Iatrogenic/intoxication.
  6. C – Congenital.
  7. A – Autoimmune.
  8. T – Traumatic.
Nov 18, 2022

How to rule out differential diagnosis? ›

Common tests to help narrow your differential diagnosis list may include:
  1. Lab tests, such as blood and urine (pee) tests.
  2. A biopsy.
  3. Imaging tests, such as an MRI scan, ultrasound, or x-ray.
  4. A mental health screening if your symptoms could be caused by a mental disorder.
Feb 27, 2023

What does it mean when a doctor says differential diagnosis? ›

A differential diagnosis is a list of possible conditions that share the same symptoms that you described to your healthcare provider. This list is not your final diagnosis, but a theory as to what is potentially causing your symptoms.

What are the questions for a differential diagnosis? ›

Some example questions your doctor may ask include: What're your symptoms? How long you have been experiencing these symptoms? Is there anything that triggers your symptoms?

What is the acronym for developing a differential diagnosis? ›

The universal differential diagnosis that I use most often is: VINDICATE. There are lots of other possible mnemonics for the universal differential diagnosis. I have at one time or another used “VINDICATE”, “VITAMIN C+D”, “ATOMIC DDT “, and “KIIIITTEN” (four-eyed kitten). They all work just fine.

What is the vindicate mnemonic for differential diagnosis? ›

1. VINDICATE Mnemonic. This mnemonic gives you nine potential etiologies from which to choose to create a comprehensive differential. They include vascular, infectious, neoplastic, degenerative, iatrogenic, intoxication, congenital, autoimmune, traumatic, endocrine, and metabolic.

What is the best purpose of a differential diagnosis? ›

Differential diagnostic procedures are used by clinicians to diagnose the specific disease in a patient, or, at least, to consider any imminently life-threatening conditions.

What is the difference between a medical diagnosis and a differential diagnosis? ›

A differential diagnosis is a process wherein a doctor differentiates between two or more conditions that could be behind a person's symptoms. When making a diagnosis, a doctor may have a single theory as to the cause of a person's symptoms.

What could be described as the differential diagnosis? ›

Differential diagnosis is defined as the process of differentiating between probability of one disease versus that of other diseases with similar symptoms that could possibly account for illness in a patient.

What is the difference between a tentative diagnosis and a differential diagnosis? ›

The provisional diagnosis is often given at the beginning of the process. It provides a starting point but lacks confirmation. The differential diagnosis focuses on listing the conditions that might match a patient's symptoms. It can help doctors collect the information they need to rule out other causes.

What is the difference between a working diagnosis and a differential diagnosis? ›

The differential diagnosis represents a prioritized list of the top possibilities. Sometimes the most likely choice is designated to be the working diagnosis, meaning that it is likely, but hasn't been confirmed, and that other diseases haven't been ruled out.

What is an example of a differential diagnosis of mental health? ›

Differential diagnosis may show that substance use is a consequence of a mental health disorder. Here are just a few examples: Alcohol can be a a way of coping with anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. Marijuana use is often tied to psychotic disorders, ADHD and anxiety.

What is the mnemonic for fatigue differential diagnosis? ›

LEMON is a simple mnemonic which lists various aetiologies of fatigue in five categories (Table 1). Fatigue can be due to lifestyle, endocrinopathy, metabolic disturbance, medical diseases, observer (physician) error, or nutritional deficiency.

What is the mnemonic for dizziness differential diagnosis? ›

The letters of the acronym “SO STONED” represent: Symptoms, Often (frequency), Since, Trigger, Otology, Neurology, Evolution, and Duration.

What is the vitamin mnemonic for differential diagnosis? ›

The mnemonic VITAMINSABCDEK, is a convenient and practical way to assist in expanding the differential diagnoses and covers all possible causes of an illness. It is also easy to remember, as the vitamins whose letters are represented in this mnemonic cover the entire range of vitamins known.

Which is the best description of a differential diagnosis? ›

Differential diagnosis is defined as the process of differentiating between probability of one disease versus that of other diseases with similar symptoms that could possibly account for illness in a patient.


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